Friday, February 18, 2011

Dead Space 2...WOW!!!

I have just completed Dead Space 2.  For those unfamiliar with the series, check the trailers about moms hating this game.  Play five minutes and you will see why.  The enemies are undead and the only way to kill them is dismember them or pin them against a wall with their own limbs.  Headshots do not count here.  You must rend the limbs from the bodies of your enemies.  Most of the time.  Sometimes, you get swarmed by undead children and shots anywhere count.  Or there are undead exploding babies that you must shoot.  In a nutshell, blood, guts, and genocide galore.

Now, even with all this action and gore, that is not the toughest part to stomach.  This games is, for lack of a better term, pant's-pooping spooky.  Half the time, you are wandering around in the dark with only the flashlight and the gun to illuminate your path.  Oh, and did I forget to say ammo is very limited?  So every shot counts.  Trust me, the worst thing to happen is during a middle of a firefight, you run dry.

And even with all of the gore and suspense, behind it is a pretty solid (yet repetitive) story.  You have picked up a few years after the first game ends aboard a large space station called the Sprawl.  Crap goes wrong (as it usually does) and you spend the game exploring the station to find what caused said crap to go wrong while wrestling with your own personal demons.

Overall, a very solid gaming experience.  Graphics are top notch,  cameras and fighting systems are fairly intuitive.  You may want to wait for a slight price drop, since the story mode is rather short.  Otherwise a very good game and recommended for any serious gamer's library.

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