Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Oscar Nominations are In.

Well, the oscar nominations have been publicized and I am pretty pleased with the selections.  While I will not go into some of the smaller categories I will give my picks for the large ones.

Best Original Score-Inception
Tough category but I will have to go with Inception.  Just sitting in the theatre listening to the growing blasts of horns just gives me goosebumps.

Best Song-We Belong Together (Toy Story 3)
Come on, who am I to go against Randy Newman?

Best Adapted Screenplay-True Grit
Alright, before you start an uproar about not picking social network, just watch true grit (and no, not the one with John Wayne).  Listen to the beauty and authenticity of the language.  It stays so very close to the original hit novel.  And that is all I have to say.

Best Original Screenplay-Inception
By far, one of the most original scripts this year, if not in the last 10 years. Christopher Nolan, my hat is off to you.

Best Visual Effects-Inception
This needs no explanation.  When you flip an entire city and mess with basic physics and pull it off realistically, well, there you go.

Best Cinematography-Black Swan
You bet.  Nuff said.

Best Costume Design-Alice in Wonderland
Not the best of pictures (in my humble opinion) but the costumes were top notch

Best Animated Feature Film-Toy Story 3
Head and shoulders above the rest.

Best Actor in a Leading Role-Jeff Bridges (True Grit)
John Wayne won an Oscar for his role as Rooster Cogburn in 1969 and I think Jeff Bridges will take it home again this year.  His portrayal of the drunken one-eyed marshal is impeccable.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role-Geoffrey Rush (The King's Speech)
This was a very tough category to choose.  And as much as I loved Jeremy Renner's performance in the Town, I have to give this one to Geoffrey Rush.

Best Actress in a Leading Role-Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
Another tough category, but Natalie Portman strikes gold.  Even the trailer gave me the willies.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role-Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit)
This is her first feature length film and what a start it is.  Perhaps the best performance of the year.

Best Director-David Fincher (The Social Network)
One of my favorite directors (Se7en, Fight Club) now wins big with the Social Network.  As much as love the rest of the directors, this one just had that little extra.

Best Picture-Tie-True Grit, Social Network, Inception
I crapped out in this category.  I simply can't choose,  In my memory, this is the closest Best Picture category I can remember.  Each and every nomination on this list has earned it.  And even after a narrowed the choices down to three, I still can't decide.  It should be fun to see who wins.

Biggest Oscar Snuff-The Town
Okay, I know this isn't an award, but please.  Every year, one film gets snuffed. Only one nomination.  At least give Ben Affleck (as much as I hate to say it) some directing props.  Geez.

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