Saturday, April 30, 2011

Logic Sucks

Doubt grows with knowledge.-Goethe

Well, it has been a while since I have written in this blog.  Today, I feel compelled to speak about my distaste for common sense and education.
Now, don't get me wrong.  Knowledge in general is great, and even necessary. However, creativity and imagination also have an important role in education, as well as the general well being of mind and sanity.

What sparked this thought.  A movie.  Yesterday, I chose to watch Jurassic Park for the first time in a while.  As a child, I watched this film repeatedly in awe and fascination.  Someone who decided to dream and to create what many thought to be impossible and establishing something truly magnificent.  Plus, you know, all of the dinosaurs. Now, I watch it and I can only see what can never be.  I see what were once part of my cherished childhood memories are now factual errors.  What were once gasps in awe or fright are now "Thats not how the theory goes" or "That is not physically possible because...".   Such is the price of education.  The mind becomes accustomed to the normal and unable to accept the impossible or the not yet possible.

And yet, for knowledge in general to move forward, innovation and imagination must be present.  If everything is thinking the same, nothing new can come into existence.  There must be people in existence who ask questions that differ from the norm.  For everyone who looks at something one way, there must be someone who sees it as something else.  And among those who view the world through pure logic, there must be someone willing to remove reality from the equation and embrace the infinite possibilities of the imagination.

And, as you may have gathered thus far, education as it is, I believe, stunts the creative quality in us.  It creates a hive mind, a collective of beings with only, for that  one voice, one thought, that has difficulty to think individually, and where creativity is neglected.  Imagination needs to be nurtured and encouraged, for it is that imagination and creativity that fosters innovation, which in turn drives the progress of our species as a whole, resulting in not only all of the great pieces of literature and art which humanity has created, but all of its scientific knowledge and technological advancements as well.  And without all of that, we as a species would have been long gone from the face of the Earth.